Mona trifft heute zum ersten Mal ihre Hebamme. (Ihr habt recht, dass ist Tami - sie ist eine junge Mutter - und eine Hebamme). Da Mona ihr erstes Kind erwartet hat sie viele Fragen. Tami kommt Mona zu Hause besuchen. Dort würde Mona auch gerne Entbinden, wenn die Schwangerschaft unkompliziert verläuft. Die ersten Monate sind aufregend. seid Mona weiß, dass sie Schwanger ist drehen sich ihre Gedanken nur noch um ihr ungeborenes Kind. Es tut gut, dass Tami sie als Hebamme schon während der Schwangerschaft begleitet.
Mona meets today her midwife for the first time. (You are right, that is Tami - she is a young mother - and a midwife). As Mona is expecting her first child, she has many questions. Tami visits Mona at her home. Mona would also like to give birth at home if the pregnancy continues uncomplicated. The first months are exciting. Since Mona had realized that she is pregnant she couldn´t stop thinking about her unborn child. It is good that Tami accompanies her as midwife during pregnancy.
While I´m writing this post, I´ve in mind the time ten years ago. At this time I was pregnant for the first time - I was indeed already a midwife, but nevertheless so grateful to found in "my" midwife a person to talk to about all large and small concerns. She was the second person I told about the pregnancy. What were your thoughts when you realized that you are pregnant? Do you like to chat with me about this here or on Facebook? I am looking forward to your stories.
Sunny Regards - Sonnige Grüße,
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