Das Ergebnis fasziniert mich: Es ist eindeutig eine "Julchen"-Puppe geworden (sie sieht dem Original sehr ähnlich), aber trotzdem ist sie nicht die Wiederholung der selben Puppe - sie hat ihren eigen Charakter. Seht selbst:
After I posted the story about my doll Julchen, I have received many kind emails and comments. And Julchen has found a new home in a very short time. I have been asked if I could sew a second Julchen . I found that difficult, because you can not just sew two times the same doll. But a dear customer has encouraged me to try it.
The result fascinates me: it become clearly a "Julchen"-doll (it looks like the original), but still it is not the repetition of the same doll - it has its own character. See for yourself:
The result fascinates me: it become clearly a "Julchen"-doll (it looks like the original), but still it is not the repetition of the same doll - it has its own character. See for yourself:
Sonnige Grüße - Sunny Greetings,