16 August 2011

Gute-Nacht-Geschichten / Bedtime stories

Ich liebe diese Zeit am Abend, in der ich mit meinen Kindern zusammen sitze, kurz vorm Zubettgehen, und ihnen Geschichten vorlese oder erzähle. Eine Zeit lang war nur ich die Geschichtenerzählerin, aber irgendwann haben meine Kinder angefangen die Geschichten, die ich begonnen habe weiterzuerzählen. Ich war überrascht und fasziniert davon, mit welcher Freude und Phantasie in die Geschichten eintauchen und wie sie nie müde werden Neues zu erfinden. Diese Zeit am Abend ist für uns alle eine sehr wertvolle Zeit geworden und ich hoffe, dass meine Kinder sich später einmal genauso gerne daran erinnern wie ich.

I love this time in the evening,when I'm sitting with my children, just before bedtime, and we are reading or telling stories. For a while I was the storyteller, but someday my children started to retell the stories I've started. I was surprised and fascinated about the joy and imagination they put into stories and how they never get tired of inventing new things. This time in the evening became for all of us a very valuable time and I hope my children will later recall this time just like I do.

Diese Zeit am Abend hat für mich etwas sehr inspirierendes. Und sie beflügelt meine Phantasie auch noch am Tag.
This time the evening has something very inspiring for me. And it also spurred my imagination durring the day.

An folgender Geschichte können wir uns gar nicht satt hören oder erzählen (Wir erfinden sie jeden Abend neu.): 
We can not get enough to listen to or to tell the following story (we invent it new every night.):

Es ist die Geschichte von der kleinen Lilly, die gerade mal so groß, dass sie bequem auf einer Hand platz nehmen kann. Eines Tages finden zwei Kinder, ein Mädchen mit Namen Fine, das ungefähr 6 Jahre alt ist und ein Junge, der Franz heißt und  4 Jahre alt ist (zur Erklärung: meine Tochter ist sechs und mein Sohn ist vier, und natürlich tragen die Kinder auch die Namen meiner Kinder), ein ganz kleines Haus im Sonnenblumenfeld am Ende der Straße in der sie wohnen. Es ist das Haus von Lilly, ihren Eltern, ihren drei Schwestern und ihrem kleinen Bruder. Erst erschrecken die kleinen Leute ganz furchtbar, als sie die riesigen Kinder sehen, aber als sie merken, dass ihnen keine Gefahr droht, freunden sie sich mit den Kindern an. Als eines Tages das Sonnenblumenfeld geerntet werden soll retten der Junge und das Mädchen Lilly und ihre Familie und bauen ihr kleines Haus im Garten hinter ihrem Haus wieder auf. Damit die kleinen Leute sich richtig wohlfühlen pflanzen sie ein paar Sonnenblumen im Garten neben dem Haus. Und Lilly wird die beste Freundin, die sie je hatten. Da sie manchmal bei ihnen übernachten möchte, bauen sie ihr ein kleines Bett. Ein Bett, das gleichzeitig eine Tasche ist, in der Lilly sitzen kann, wenn Franz und Fine mit ihr Ausflüge in die Welt der „großen Menschen“ machen. 

It is the story of the little Lilly, who is so small, that she can easily sit on a hand. One day, two children, a girl named Fine, who´s about 6 years old and a boy called Franz, who is 4 years old (for explanation: my daughter is six and my son is four, and of course, bear the children, the names of my children), find a very small house in the sunflower field at the end of the road in which they live. It is the home of Lilly, her parents, her three sisters and her little brother. First the little people are terribly frightened when they see the big kids, but when they realize that they face no danger, they make friends with the children. When one day the sunflower field should be harvested , the boy and the girl save Lilly and her family and build their little house in the garden behind her house again. To make the little people feel at home Fine and Franz put a few sunflowers in the garden beside the house. And Lilly becomes the best friend they ever had. Since Lilly sometimes want to stay with them, they build her a small bed. A bed that is also a bag, where Lilly can sit in while Fine and Franz explore the world of "big” people together with her.

Lilly und ihre Geschwister haben einen Maulwurf und einen Spatzen als Haustiere. Manchmal dürfen sie auf dem Rücken des Spatzen sitzen und mit ihm durch die Lüfte fliegen.
Lilly and her siblings have a mole and a sparrow as pets. Sometimes they may sit on the back of the Sparrow and fly through the air with him.

Diese Geschichte erhält ständig neue Wendungen und Endungen. Ich freue mich immer, wenn meine Kinder anfangen sie "weiterzuerfinden".

To this story we constantly add new twists and endings. I'm always happy when my children start to recall that story.

Diese Geschichte hat mich zu einer winzigen Puppe inspiriert, und sie soll Teil eines kleinen Sommergewinnspieles sein.
Ich habe mir gedacht: Mein Blog lesen Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters und aus unterschiedlichen Ländern und mich würde sehr interessieren was ihr euren Kindern vorlest, oder was Eure Lieblingsgeschichte war als ihr klein wart. Meine war zum Beispiel eine Puppen-Geschichte von Astrid Lindgren: „Die Puppe Mirabell“.
Also wenn ihr die kleine Lilly gewinnen wollt, dann hinterlasst unter diesem Post, einen kurzen Kommentar mit dem Titel Eurer Lieblingsgeschichte Gute-Nacht-Geschichte. 

This story has inspired me to a tiny doll, and she will be part of a small summer raffle.

I thought to myself: people of different ages and from different countries are reading my blog and I ´m very interested in what stories are you reading and telling for your children, or what was your favorite story when you were young. For example, my favorite was a story by Astrid Lindgren:"The doll Mirabell."

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn wir so eine Liste von Lieblingsgeschichten aus verschiedenen Ländern und Generationen erhalten, die uns alle dazu inspirieren kann Bücher vorzulesen oder Geschichten zu erzählen. Unter allen Kommentaren verlose ich am Sonntag, den 28.August um 15 Uhr meiner Zeit diese kleine „ Lilly“ und ihr Bett!

So if you want to win “little Lilly” and her bed, please leave after this post a brief comment with the title of your favorite bedtime story. I would be glad if we shall receive a list of favorite stories from different countries and generations, that can inspire us all to read books or to tell stories. Among all the comments I will raffle of little “Lilly” on Sunday, 28th August, 3 clock p.m. my time.

Warm greetings, Tabea

35 Kommentare:

  1. What a GREAT idea! We are from Canada - but these are not really Canadian stories! My daughter loves a book called "Morris has a cold" about a silly moose named Morris and a bossy bear named Boris who are best friends. It was actually my book when I was little! I always loved a story called "wind on the moon" about two naughty girls who turn into kangaroos and have to live in a zoo!

  2. Hallo liebe Tabea, diese Geschichte ist zauberhaft und ich erinnere mich an unsere inzwischen erwachsenen Söhne (30 und 18 Jahre alt), als sie so alt waren wie Deine Kinder und nun an Len, unseren fast zweijährigen Enkel. Wir hatten oft abends die Zeremonie, uns über den Tag zu unterhalten, was sie alles erlebt hatten. Aber auch anfangs kleine Pixi-Bücher mochten sie sehr. Da es Jungen waren, liebten sie besonders eins mit einem roten Auto: "Der rote Blitz" - Puppe Pippa und die Tiere aus dem Spielzeugschrank erleben mit dem vom Fahrer verlassenen roten Auto spannende Abenteuer. Als sie älter wurden las ich ihnen "Neues vom Franz" u.a Geschichten vom Franz vor, "Der Moorkönig" von Alberto Moravia, "Der kleine Vampir" von Angela Sommer-Bodenburg und "Petah Eulengesicht" von Sigrid Heuck. Manchmal mochten sie aber Geschchten von "Benjamin Blümchen", "Pippi Langstrumpf" und "Rasmus, der Landstreicher" von Astrid Lindgren sowie "Bibi Blocksberg"..mal in Büchern, mal als CD waren der Renner...Len mag das Pappbuch "Der kleine Mondbär und die Farben" von Rolf Fänger & Ulrike Möltgen und "Aua! brummt der Bär" von Annet Rudolph. Ganz liebe Grüße an Dich und Deine Lieben! Gabriele Rogowski

  3. My favorite 3 books as a child were "The Lonely Doll" by Dare Wright, "A Treasury of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter, and "Fifty Famous Fairy Tales, A Golden Illustrated Classic". I have cherished these books for 30+ years and enjoy them very much with our 6 children. And to this day I still have a penchant for dolls and bunnies. :)

  4. What a great story! My daughter is a big fan of Barbie and all Disney Princesses. Her favorite bed time stories are Barbie related, especially the one of Barbie and the Diamond Castle. As for me, as a little girl my favoritr storybook was Cinderella. I was always fascinated by her dream come true! :)

  5. I love the folklore Why Dogs chase cats!

    Once long ago, Dog was married to Cat. They were happy together, but every night when Dog came home from work, Cat said she was too sick to make him dinner. Dog was patient with this talk for a while, but he soon got mighty tired of fixing dinner for them both after a hard day's work. After all, Cat just stayed home all day long.

    One day, Dog told Cat he was going to work, but instead he hid in the cupboard and watched Cat to see if she really was sick. As soon as Cat thought Dog had left, she started playing games with Kitten. They laughed and ran about. Cat wasn't the least bit sick.

    Dog jumped out of the cupboard. When Cat saw him, she stuck a marble in her cheek and told Dog she had a toothache. Dog got so mad at her he started chasing her around and around the house.

    Dogs have been chasing Cats ever since.

  6. This is absolutely beautiful! Surely, I don't have the luck to win--but this whole story--it's a fantastic and beautiful story and I love that you do this!

    We, too, spin tales for our children when we "read" to them at night! We tend to base them on the events that unfolded that day.. the dog becomes a dragon, pillows and cushions piled high become castles, dolls become princes or princesses, adventures to the park become fields where wild horses roam freely.. everything is an adventure and everything becomes a story--the story of their life, read back to them each and every night in fairy tale format. During the day, however, I'm far less creative! Inevitably, the kids prefer a bit of silliness for their day-time stories, since they know they have epic fairytales at bed time--so they prefer Dr. Seuss! Sometimes they let me sneak in Alice and Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz stories! My favorite things as a child was not to be read to--as soon as I was able to read, I did enough of that on my own! I loved and cherished being sung to! I also loved poems--being read poems was a great joy to me!

    It's beautiful that this lovely, sweet doll is named Lily! Our daughter is named Lili!

  7. My favourite books as a child growing up in Australia are called "gumnut babies" and "snugglepot and cuddlepie" by May Gibbs. The characters are based on animals and plants in the Australian bush. I used to sit for hours looking at the illustrations, and imagine them in my garden! I still have those books and have now started reading them to my four and two year olds.

  8. My favorite book as a child was the "The Faraway Tree" by Enid Blyton. It is a story about a magical tree that has different lands at the top of it's branches. It is a wonderful book, my own children loved it as well!
    My husband quite often makes up stories about scooby doo (our dog) the wonderdog and his adventures. Our children love these made up stories that are always full of mischief.
    What a lovely idea for a giveaway.
    Cheers Bree

  9. My favorite book as a child was "The Adventures of Jeanne-Marie" It has many stories and my grandfather and I read it all the time. I believe it had been my mother's book. It was the first book I bought for my daughter when she was only 1 mos old. My second favorite was the Giving Tree" and my third favorite was "The Lonely Doll" series (which I have also bought and put away for my daughter. My dear daughter is 3 now so I might bring them all out at Christmas. Thanks so much for a chance to win your beautiful doll!

  10. So many favorite books when I was little. My mom and I would snuggle in bed in the mornings and read a chapter of The Trumpet of the Swan, and Charlottes Web...other non chapter books: Blueberries for Sal, One Morning in Maine. LOVE books!

  11. Hello, My sons favourite book is called, "Blossom Possum" by Gina Newton. It's a sing song/rhyming style book which is fun to read.
    When I was a child, my favourite book was called, "Bendemolena" a funny book about a cat that mishears her mothers instructions and causes lots of funny happenings.

  12. herzlichen glückwunsch zu eurem wunderschönen zu bett geh ritual!
    unsere tochter liebt "the mole sisters", die hat sie beim sandmännchen kennengelernt, da heissen sie paula und paula und sind maulwurfschwestern. das tolle an ihnen ist der optimismus und die lebensfreude. es sind ganz kurze geschichten, die inzwischen unsere tochter uns "vorliest", sie ist 3 jahre alt und weiss inzwischen genau welcher satz oder welches geräusch zu welchem bild gehört...
    ich habe daher vor ihr zu weihnachten die beiden paulas als puppen zu schneidern wenn ich tatsächlich den mut finde...

  13. "The Going to Bed Book" by Sandra Boynton has been a favorite book with all three of my children. My sweet daughter Lily's favorite right now is "Mommy's Best Kisses." It's about how different animal mommies kiss their babies good night!

  14. So many favorites including Ballet Shoes, Mandy, No Flying in the House, Anne of Green Gables, Emily of New Moon, Pippi Longstocking, What the Witch Left, A Secret Language, and Baby Island.

    I tell my son stories about a wandering dog named Scruffy. It's a story that never ends and was begun by my grandmother.

  15. Hello, lovely dolls.
    I love all stories about animals and their mothers. Little quack is a good series.


  16. Oh boy...we LOVE books! We're Going On a Bear Hunt I loved reading to my boys and the Gossie and Gertie stories by Oliver Dunrea were special with my daughter. Too many to mention!



  17. As a child I loved The Berenstain Bears books and now I read them to my oldest daughter. There are a lot of them and each one teaches a good life lesson. My youngest daughter pretty much loves any books with animals.

  18. We're in the UK. My daughters favourite book is 'Fanny' By Holly Hobbie. It's about a girl and her doll. We've read it many times but my daughter never tires of it...

  19. Our number one Bedtime Story here is Goodnight Moon. We've already worn out three copies of it and I have it memorized. It's a pretty simple story but it never fails to mesmerize my little ones. I adore the story since it is such a symbol of their childhood <3

  20. Very favorite is The Velveteen Rabbit!

  21. Our favorite is the Lonely Doll also! My daughter loves how she gets into trouble. Also, the Best Loved Doll is a favorite. We think your dolls are beautiful!

  22. Both of my daughter's love the Corduroy books :) I remember the original one being my favorite book when I was a child. The pictures are so wonderful and the story so heartening <3

  23. What an adorable doll, and story. We would love a chance to win her for our Lilly!

    My Lilly's favorite story is "Blueberries for Sal". It's a book about Sal going blueberry picking on a hill in Maine, the same hill that a bear and cub are blueberry eating.

    Of course, her other all-time favorite bed time story is just hearing about herself when she was a little baby.

  24. As a child I liked The Velvetteen Rabbit. A couple of years ago my older brother made me a tape of that story and I will have someone to "read" it to me forever.
    My Grandchildren love all of the Robert Munsch books. I am Canadian and so is he.

    I am kilbreath@rogers.com

  25. She is just the sweetest doll, and I would love to win her! There were so many stories we loved when we were children. "Little House on the Prairie" by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and "Swallows and Amazons" by Arthur Ransome were both favourite series of books. And these are wonderful: "Barbapapa's New House" by Annette Tison and Talus Taylor, "One Frog Too Many" by Mercer and Marianna Mayer, and "Toot and Puddle" by Hollie Hobbie, "The Secret Staircase" by Jill Barklem.
    Thanks so much for the chance, and meanwhile I hope you all enjoy these books/stories!

  26. What a generous raffle. I would love a chance to welcome this beautiful doll into our home. When my son was younger his most favourite book was "Where is the Green Sheep" It's a beautiful book by a famous Australian Author named Mem Fox. It is charming :)

  27. Stories are such a lovely escape into your imagination. I loved all books a's a child especially those about magical outcomes and happy times. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. lexilucas@gmail.com

  28. When I was a little girl, I loved my mother's Hungarian folktales, especially those about King Matyas. My mother is an amazing storyteller, and her tales were always full of magic and beauty. I'm so happy that she now tells my children the same stories and they are as captivated by the kings and fair maidens as I was in childhood.


  29. my favorite was (and still is) Chicken Licken!

  30. My favorite childhood book was, "The Pookie Little Puppy."

  31. WHat a great story!!!! My favourite books when I was little was called "The Littles" Thanks so much for such a generous giveaway!!!


  32. She's so lovely!!!!!When i was a little girl, i loved some books in France called "Martine". Bye and thank you for your game!!!

  33. Hi,
    I live in the USA. My favorite books when I was little was the Mary Poppins books. There are about 5 or 6 of them..I still LOVE them.
    When I got a little older it was the JR Tolken, Lord of the Rings books that are still my all time favorite..
    I LOVE The Littles also. I still have all my Littles books...LOL..
    Thank You for this wonderful giveaway..
    BIG HUGS to you,

  34. Meine liebsten Geschichten als Kind waren Astrid Lindgrens Michel und Pippi Geschichten.
    Die Lieblingsgeschichte von unserem juengsten Sohn war Der Hobbit von J.R.R Tolkien.
    Ich war schon seit meiner Kindheit ein Fan und
    Der Hobbit und der Herr der Ringe sind auch heute noch meine Lieblingsgeschichten
    Liebe Gruesse aus Canada!

  35. Hallo Susanne, schön, dass du mitmachst - leider eine halbe Stunde zu spät - wir haben gerade gelost! Herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland! Tabea
